Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Imaginative Magazine is Called Collab

Lets make a worthy magazine that someone might actually pick up...hopefully...maybe. I was thinking that what if there was a magazine that appealed to collaborative performance pieces. That means a dance, sidewalk art, or murals. If it was something that happened over a span of time, we would need great pics of the whole process - film wouldn't be bad either. I would have a site dedicated to the footage. I would need a couple energetic and some sarcastic writers and artists. I would want it to have a clean feel to it, almost like how some websites are. Juxtapose maybe a good example as well because it has an image, three names above that and the magazine title. I would want the feature piece to be on the cover or maybe a close up of it. I would prefer if the words didn't overlap and I'm kinda shaky on whether I would want the cover to have the same format every week, or have the words fitting the art every time.
Non magazine clients that I would like to work with.
The first that comes to mind is Mark Zuckerberg because of the pull he has in the social media and the possibilities of making a large collaborative project that involves tons of people. 
Kanye West - I believe he is a visual artist as well and based on the video that he produced about his whole album, I think he could bring a lot of creativity to the table. 
Bansky - It would be dope to work with him because he could make murals and tags about some of the ideas that RED Planet employs. 
Jeff Zimmerman - The amazing murals that he brings to table could also help in these efforts. 
Edwin McSwine - Another Mural artist  - I could see us working together to make the art scene larger than it is in Memphis. 
Hot Topic would be great for me for selling t-shirts. 
I would also like to work with CJ of Memphis College of Art and I plan to.
Justine that is the musical leader for Stax. I saw him directing those kids and I could see him being apart of future projects that I dream of.
I think of more later. 

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